Wide range of products.  More than 900 variations Pokemon stuffed toys. Final Fantasy XIV plushes. Good service

About us

Aniworld4U is a company with the ambition to become the biggest and best online store in the Netherlands for Anime plush (and especially Pokemon plush) and related.

At the start of our company

In the beginning there was nothing .... neh, come on seriously. In the beginning, we actually wanted to become a general anime store. We started with Pokémon plushes, because as a Pokémon fan, selling Pokémon products is of course double the fun doing your job.

A few months after registration of the CoC (2012), we also bought anime figures, only we found out what bootlegs / counterfeits were .......
Fortunately, despite this, the dredging quality of some still makes many people happy at flea markets without having suffered too much loss. We still have a lot of small stuff left, but that is no longer online anyway, and is kept for Flea markets.

In between the time we were on flea markets to get rid of the above. We went looking for other Anime plushes. That was nice to sell. Only a new anime is almost as fast as a trend. Soon it took an eternity before we sold a Hatsune miku hug for example, while in the beginning (when they were just online) they could not be dragged in, that fast they sold!

Fortunately, we took the step with New Year's eve 2014 to sell on conventions, just spontaneously! Before the middle of the night we managed to arrange a spot for the first Gamepitcon. There we have sold many Pokemon plushes, but fortunately many other Anime plushes as well.
Because the Pokémon plushes ran so well on that one con, We booked more cons and brought more Pokemon plushes than other Anime plushes.

Halfway through 2015 we had the first Authentic Anime plush toys from the USA published by GE animation. We brought these with us for the first time to our first MGC experience that just had their new location. But even those official Anime plushes had only a short popularity of no more than a year.
When Pokemon GO was released in 2016, we had made our decision .....

Pokemon plush toys our main assortment

Pokemon plushes have become our main assortment, not only due Pokemon GO, but also because people started to recognize and appreciate the Olyfactory Pokemon plushes!
Before Pokemon Go (beginning of 2016) we had made huge purchases via Yahoo Japan, all official Pokemon plushes!
At the start of 2018 wegot access to Pokemon center plushes from Japan, and 2 months later that of the USA!

We have the largest and the most unique Pokemon plush assortment from all over the Netherlands! And we think Europe may be, or it will not be long before we can replace the word "Netherlands" to Europe! Of course we are also very proud of this!

Popular Pokemon plush toys

In terms of popularity of a particular Pokémon plush toy can be far from one if you compare it with online purchases or a convention. There are of course cases such as Shiny umbreon that practically sell just as hard. But then on a con a bit more and faster, since 1000 to 10,000 people can come at such an convention. Then you will quickly get sold out with 15 Shiny Umbreon!
Here some popular Pokemon plush toys regardless from online or at a convention with links:

Chibi Mew and Ordinary Mew
Haunter and Gengar
CharizardMega charizard Y, and Mega charizard X
Bulbasaur with vinesSquirtle and Charmander
Latios and Latias
Garchomp and Mega Garchomp
Vaporeon and shiny Vaporeon
Mudkip and Shiny Mudkip
Umbreon and Shiny Umbreon
Magikarp and Shiny Magikarp
Sylveon and Shiny Sylveon
Vulpix and NinetalesAlola Vulpix and Alola Ninetales
Noibat and Noivern
Tyrantrum and Shiny Tyrantrum
GreninjaShiny Greninja, and Ash Greninja
Pyukumuku and Wishiwashi
Lapras and Shiny Lapras
Butterfree and Pink Buuterfree
DuskullBanette and Mega banette



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